

Lecture on the relationship of art and science at the Joseph Beuys Seminar held at the Ruskin School of Fine Art in Oxford, UK. Begin collaboration with Locus+ in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Invitation to give a talk at the Permanent People’s Tribunal in Vienna, Austria on the topic of Chernobyl. Portrait of my work in the book 'Real Lives, Half Lives' by Jeremy Hall. Interview with the BBC for the USA and three pictures in the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Life/Live, la scène artistique au Royaume-Uni en 1996 with Locus+.


True bug from Kindhausen, Canton Aargau
Watercolor, Zürich 1996
Deformed wing on the inner selvage to scutellum


Acanthosomatidae from Kindhausen, Canton Aargau, Switzerland