

Exhibition at the Kunsthaus in Nürnberg and WWF Oberwallis is given copyright to print postcards of nine different watercolor paintings for the vote on ‘Strom ohne Atom’ (Energy without Atoms) in connection with the election. Portrait in the brochure of the petition ‘Strom ohne Atom’ together with nine other women who have been active against atomic energy. Lecture in Carlisle, UK, for a talk (April) at a conference titled ‘Words and Pictures’ – explaining science through writing and art. I changed the title of my talk ‘Art as a Means of Research’ in connection to the war in Iraq to ‘Science Makes Guilty'. This was not met with understanding.



Squash Bug nuclear power plant Gundremmingen, G
Watercolor, Holzheim 2003
Left eye deformed, pigment outside the eye


Squash Bug from Limbach, Bavaria, Germany